THE PEARL. Kino was a poor mexican-indian, he had a wife and her name was Juana. Together they had a baby and his name was Coytito. They lived in a wery poor village, he and his neighbours lived in wooden houses. He made his moony by fishing and search for pearls in the sea who he sold to some byers in the town. In the town there was only stone houses with big walls and beautiful gardens. There was also a church were the beggars was sitting all the days. And so the town also had a fatt vit man who made his moony by playing doctor. Kino and Juana was eating breakfast in the morning light, when Kino saw a scorpion walking slowly down the rope who hold up the hanging box, who Coyotito was sleeping in. Coyotito touched the rope and the scorpion fell. Kino tried to catch the scorpion, but it was to late. The scorpion landed on Coyotito´s shoulder and stung the baby. Kino and Juana started to cry wery loud. And after some seconds the neighbours came. Juana started to scream after the doctor ! Kino and Juana quickly walked to the town. When Kino came to the doctors house he knokt on the door. The doctors servant opened. Kino told the servant what had happened to Coyotito. The servant asked who Kino was going to pay ? Kino showed some ugly pearls who almost was with out value. When the servant saw the ugly pearls he sad that the doctor was out helping another sick kid, then he closed the door. Kino got angry and hit the door, then Kino and Juana whent down to the beach. Kino had a canoe on the beach who his father and fathers fader had own. They jumped into the canoe and started to paddle, Kino was going to dive into the sea and search after oyster who might got a pearl inside, so he could pay the doctor. Kino jumped into the water and started to dive to the bottom of the sea. When he reached the bottom he started to collect oyster. After a will he rain out of air and when he was going up he saw a big oyster on a large stone. He took the oyster and dived up to the canoe. He sat down in the canoe and started to open oysters. Mean will Juana used some seaweed on Coyotito´s wound. It was a wery good medicine against scorpion sting. But nobody used it; because the people thought that it wasn't any good because it was free. Now Kino only got the big oyster Kino left, he opened the oyster and saw the biggest pearl he had ever seen. Now the news about the pearl spread very fast. When Kino and Juana had walked back to their house the hole town already knew about the pearl. All the neighbours was yelles and angry with Kino, because he was going to be a rich man. But Kino didn´t notice anything. He only dreamed of a rifle and a marriage in the church but most of all to give Coyotito all the chances that Kino didn´t have as a child. The doctor had also heard about the pearl so now he came to see Coyotito. He gave Coyotito some medicine to heal the pain. Then he said: - You cane pay me when you have sold the pearl. On the eavning when the people had whent home, Kino hide the pearl in a corner of the house. Then he went to sleep. After a wile Kino woke up because he had heard the sound of someone's fingers in the dry earth. Kino took his knife then he slowly walked to the corner where he had heard the noise. He felt someone's shirt and stuck with his knife. He didn't hit anything, he stuck againg and felt his knife going through the shirt. Then someone hit Kino in the head, and ran away. Juana helped Kino to wake up again. Then she told Kino to destroy the pearl because it should bring problems. But Kino didn't listen, he sad that he should sell the pearl next morning and be a man of welch. He hide the pearl under his sleeping bed and whent to sleep. The next day Kino and Juana went to sell the pearl. When the byer had saw the pearl he gave Kino a wery low prise, and of corse Kino got angry and said that he should go to the capital. At the evening Kino and his brother talked about the pearl and his brother didn't want Kino to go to the capital. When his brother had gone home, Kino was sitting on his sleeping-mat. Then he suddenly heard a noise outside his house. When he went out somebody hit him in the head. When Juana came out she saw Kino laying on the ground, she helped Kino to wake up. Then she said that Kino should throw away the pearl, but of course Kino didn't. Then Juana put Kino to bed. In the middle of the night Kino waked up because he heard when Juana opened the door. He got up and started to follow Juana. Juana walked all the way to the beach. And just before she should throw the pearl Kino took it and hit her. Then he started to walk back to the town, but somebody jumped on him. Kino took the knife and killed the man. He could see his house burn up in the town. Now he was a murderer so he Juana and Coyotito hide in Kino´s brothers house fore some days. Now he couldn't go across the sea to get to the capital couse somebody might see him. When the evening came Kino and Juana started to walk throw the forest. In the morning they had walked wery long. Kino was shore that nobody had seamed ore followed theme couse Kino had swapped away the steps he had made in the ground. Kino didn't want to walk on the day cues somebody could see theme. So they hid in some bushes and then Kino started to dream about all the things he could by for the pearl. First he dreamed about a rifle boot could only think of the man he had killed. And then he dreamed about him and Juana marring in the church boot could only think about when he had hit Juana. He also dreamed about Coyotito reading from a big book, boot could only think about the doctor who made Coyotito sick with his medicine. When the evning came Kino could see three men who was very good tracers and know where Kino was going. One of the men was ridding on a hourse with a rifle in his hand. When the men had past theme Kino and Juana started to walk to the mountains. They found a pool of water and drank the water. Then they walked up to the mountain and hid in a big cave. In the middle of the night Kino could see the three tracers againg sitting bisaid the pool. Kino understand that the tracers had found some tracks after Kino. So now he knew what to do. He walked down from the mountain and whent to the tracers. Then the man with the rifle heard a noise from the cave and fired a shoot. When he did that Kino jumped out from the bushes and took his Knife and killed the man. Then he took the mans rifle and hit the other man in the phase. The third man tried to get away but Kino shoot him in the back. Kino could hear Juana cry, and then he knew what had happened. After some days Kino and Juana was back in the town. they walked to the beach and then Kino throwed away the pearl. Juana stood beside him with her dead son on her shoulders. Now the pearl and all the problems was gone. THE END.